Welcome to Accessibility Resources (AR). We are glad you are here!
AR is a center for disability education, awareness, and resources for students, staff, and faculty. AR Staff are trained in determining college level accommodations for adult learners. AR Staff accomplish this through the facilitation of the interactive process. Unlike K-12, college students with disabilities are expected to engage with AR in exploring their institutional access barriers, ensuring students have full access for participation in all campus programs, activities, and processes. These include, but are not limited to:
IMPORTANT: Every individual situation is unique; regardless of what medical documentation you may or may not have, please contact our office to have a discussion about how we may be able to work together. We understand obtaining documentation may be difficult and we want to partner with you to address any academic barriers you may be experiencing.
AR staff do their best to ensure students with disabilities have equal access for participation in campus courses, programs, and activities, and processes. Once a student registers with AR, they are regarded as a student with a disability and receive protection against disability discrimination based on federal and state law.
If you have specific questions about this process, please email ar@btc.edu.
In college, accommodations do not roll over from quarter to quarter. It is the student’s responsibility to request accommodations each quarter they would like to use them. While AR does their best to remind students, it is ultimately the student’s responsibility. Accommodations are not retroactive.
Go to the myAR page to renew your accommodation.
Accessibility Resources (AR) at Bellingham Technical College is committed to providing a place for students with disabilities to grow and develop as adult learners. As students with disabilities become their own advocates, they take on specific responsibilities as college students and are responsible for much of their own learning. AR will do their best to help families understand the expectations we have for their students, as well as connect students and families with the resources necessary to promote student learning. The individual advising and collaborative interactions students experience with Accessibility Resources professionals are intentionally designed to help students identify and articulate their strengths and challenges as they prepare to pursue a career path.
We understand that the transition from High School to College can be difficult for parents as well as students. Please keep in mind, college students are adult learners and are expected to do their own work, fill out/submit forms, and engage with campus staff/faculty independently; this includes Running Start students. College staff and faculty are not required to provide information to parents or third-party advocates on student progress, attendance, grades or accommodations.
Any third party individual (parent, vocational counselor, etc.) who logs into any BTC student portal (Canvas, myAR, ctcLink, etc.) with someone else's student identification and credentials constitutes improper use and is in violation of State and Federal Privacy Laws.
Accessibility Resources staff will not meet with parents or third-party advocates without the student present. Accessibility Resources also reserves the right to meet with the student alone. It is expected the student will communicate their needs to AR as an adult learner. Requests by parents or third-party advocates will not be accepted.